School125 is a school located in the city of Nashik, India, where 500 children study without the appropriate sanitary installations nor drinking water
First-person interactive game in which a key has to be found in order to get into our proposal of new washbasins. Will you be able to find the key?
Explanatory animation on the development of the project.
Our plumbing and brickwork team has carried out a proof test of the work that we would like to make in the school.
Project graphics with the different constructive stages
Illustration works carried out by the students of Graphic Design
Logos developed by the students of Graphic Design.
Design, Construction, Education: Action for Public Health
We thank students and teachers from "Tolosaldea LH", "Instituto F.P. de Construcción de Bizkaia" and Ceinpro for their contribution with the project. Thanks!
This is a game dynamics' play with Larramendi Ikastetxea's young students